Kali Durga New Moons in 2019
On or around each new moon of 2019 Laura will offer a different Durga or Kali meditation and practice. You will be able to build a Dark Goddess, Fierce Mother sadhana as we go, adding on and/or choosing what resonates. You can choose to only do it on the new moon when you receive the teaching, on Tuesdays or Saturdays, or Astami the 8th day after the new and full moon.
Sadhanas will be from Laura’s Shakta and Shri Vidya lineage and will include a new moon meditation each session.
Work with Kali and Durga for:
-letting go
-overcoming fear & doubt
-cultivating a calm mind/heart
-emotional responsiveness vs. reactiveness
-and more....
6:00-8:00 p.m. PT
Starts Saturday, January 5, 2019 and will continue each month on the day of the new moon or the day after.
*There will be no class on July 2 or Sept. 28 but you will have plenty of practices to choose from for those new moons which are the beginning of Summer and Autumn Navaratris.
10 New Moon Rituals in all.
Final class will be on or after November 26th, 2019
Remaining Schedule
June 4, 2019
July 31, 2019
August 31, 2019
October 28, 2019
November 26, 2019
The classes will be online through ZOOM. You can join us live or through the recording. You will be sent a recording of the class whether you join us live or from the recording.
There will be an invitation to join the class in Venice, CA at Laura's Shakti Temple on some of the dates. If you live in Southern California and this interests you, please let us know and we will send you the info about attending in Venice.
Tuition: $300
Please note this is not a teacher training course and is for your personal and spiritual development only. All levels of practitioners and Goddess devotees are welcome. None of these teachings may be taught or shared at this time. If it is your dharma to teach, this can and will be considered after further study with Laura and/or another acknowledged teacher in her lineage. To request info about Laura's' Shakta Sadhana policy contact us
If you are interested in taking both the Full and New Moon course, contact us for discounted tuition of $490 for both courses.
Lakshmi and Lalitha Full Moons in 2019
On or around each full moon of 2019 Laura will offer a different Lakshmi or Lalitha meditation and practice. You will be able to build a Divine Mother sadhana as we go, adding on and/or choosing what resonates. You can choose to only do it on the full moon when you receive the teaching, as a committed sadhana and/or on Fridays and other days significant to Lakshmi and Lalitha (we will learn about).
Sadhanas will be from Laura’s Shakta and Shri Vidya lineage and will include a full moon meditation each session.
Work with Lakshmi and Lalitha for:
~spiritual and material abundance
-and more....
6:00-8:00 p.m. PT
Starts Wednesday, March 20, 2019 and continues on or the day after the Full Moon for the rest of the year with two exceptions.
*There will be no class on July 16 or Oct. 13. There will be plenty of practices to choose from for those full moons.
8 Full Moon Ritual Classes in all.
Final class is Weds. Dec.11, 2019.
Remaining Schedule
June 17, 2019
August 15, 2019
September 12, 2019
November 12, 2019
December 11, 2019
The classes will be online through ZOOM. You can join us live or through the recording. You will be sent a recording of the class whether you join us live or from the recording.
There will be an invitation to join the class in Venice, CA at Laura's Shakti Temple on some of the dates. If you live in Southern California and this interests you, please let us know and we will send you the info about attending in Venice.
Tuition: $240
Please note this is not a teacher training course and is for your personal and spiritual development only. All levels of practitioners and Goddess devotees are welcome. None of these teachings may be taught or shared at this time. If it is your dharma to teach, this can and will be considered after further study with Laura and/or another acknowledged teacher in her lineage. To request info about Laura's' Shakta Sadhana policy contact us
If you are interested in taking both the Full and New Moon
course, contact us for discounted tuition of $490 for both
New Moon Ritual Classes: $300 (fee included at checkout)

To register via Venmo (no fees),
please send $300 (no fee) to
Full Moon Ritual Classes: $240
(fee included at checkout)